. . . 1994
Amsterdam Ruigoord, 1994 Dec
- 'Voyelles Mobile II', a Determining Sound Moving Sculpture at an
exhibition about Athur Rimbaud in the church of Ruigoord.
Moscow, 1994 Dec
- 'Momument for Dutch Cheese': Ice sculpture by Marc Marc and Benten at Ice
sculpture concourse (-: price for originality).
Voyelles Mobile I, 1994 Nov
- Exhibition about Athur Rimbaud in gallery 'Canal Grande',IJmuiden.
Hamburg H.M. Stubnitz 1994 Sept
- 'Washing', a Determining Sound Moving Sculpture in a ship.
Hamburg H.M. Stubnitz 1994 Sep
- Media ship:Art Moderne presentation on one computer.
Triple-X, Amsterdam, 1994 Aug
- 'The Art of Measurement', a Determining Sound Moving Sculpture,
presented by 'Bijster'
The Brain Wave Laboratory 1994 Aug
- Artikel over The Brain Wave Lab Brain Machine in Atari ST Nieuws.
Moscow 1994 March
- 'Art Panorama' magazine:Publication of 3 computer graphics.
'Meden' 1994 Mar
- Amsterdam: Exhibition of old works, computer graphics and secret computer
installation (Marc Marc and Benten).
M2Font 1994
- Duo FONT editor: manifesting how to write real software
(released for Atari ST computers).