Marc Marc
The Moscow trip for 1996/1997 was meant to install a computer
terminal with the Graphical Auto-Composer 'Art Moderne' constantly running on it during a
whole year. As usally the idea was to go to Moscow without any pre-discussion with the
director of the museum and then see whether the plan would be accepted or not.
The terminal is put on the first floor at the platform - between the stairs. From an aesthectic point of view not the best spot but, all visitors of the museum have to pass that location and this is a big deal. It was anyway not free to put it wherever I would liked to have it. It should not be located in the exhibition halls to prevent discussion in context to the exhibitions which are changing every month. |
The photograph above is manipulated on the computer. In reallity the terminal is surrounded by posters. They could not be removed because the space was rented out to some galleries. It is dramatic to see how this museum due to a money problem has to comprimise to the rules of Russian capitalism (I'am the only one that does not pay to be exhibited - It was take it or leave it). Despite these things, I'am quit satisfied about having the terminal daily composing my graphics in Moscow - knowing that hundreds of people every day will see this happening. The terminal will be moved to another spot that does not have the visual disavantages of posters around it (they told me in februari). |
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For response see Marc Marc contact file This page & contents, are Copyrighted (C)1997 by Marc Marc Amsterdam |
Shortcut diary 20.12.96
___2 Month's later
___3 Month's later
___Visit in July
see what's up with the installation