Marc Marc
M o s c o w
exhibition 1998

Central House of Artists
Art Moderne - Auto Composed Graphics, Generative Art

Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - saying The Central House of Artists Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - photo of the Central house

Strangly enough mounted on the floor and embedded in sand

Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - A view at the exhibited graphics. At the background: the 'Re-makes' of Iwan Kaleshneekoff.

A view at the exhibited graphics. At the background: the 'Re-makes' of Iwan Kaleshneekoff.

View the previous actions in Moscow

View a selection of the exhibited graphics

Read the TV reportage text

Read the short cut diary text

Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - detail A view at a detail which shows the sand-framing.

Sponsoring - Credits

Moscow art Russia Moscow art Russian Moscow art Russia Moscow art Russian Moscow art Russia
Sergey Malyutin : for the always all-over-realisation-support
The director & art_critic/curator of the Central House of Artists.
Gallery SART / Petr M. Tjulenev : for support and realisation.
Iwan Kaleshnikoff : for support and realization.
Olga Syemeena / renTV: for the nice television reportage.
The Moscow computer club for children: for electronic communication.
Alpha Graphics Amsterdam / Jelle H. IJlst: for the perfect prints.
Rosa Bandury: for translation TV reportage - Russian to English

Moscow art Russia Moscow art Russian Moscow art Russia Moscow art Russian Moscow art Russia

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This page & contents, are Copyrighted (C)1998 by Marc Marc Amsterdam

TV reportage - text

TV reportage on RenTV: translation of the text that was spoken with the reportage about the exhibition in the "Central House of Artists" It was broadcasted at Saturday (10.01.98) evening and several times at Sunday (11.01.98)
Olga, commentator:
"The lack of time is a main problem nowadays. As often, in the routine, we do not pay attention anymore to the miracles which life is offering us.

The artists-avantgardist, from Holland and listening to the amazing name Marc Marc - solved this problem very simple. And as often: simplicity can be genius!

He arranged his exhibition on the floor in the shape of a rectangle - made from his computer graphics. And even though this would be enough to attract the audiance, he also surrounded it with a bed of sand."

Marc Marc, comment:
"When the audiance passes through the hall they useally do not notice the sand. Often they do not notice the graphics either. They just go through the bed of sand and then - all of a sudden - they become aware of something on the floor."

Olga, commentator:
"At first glance, the graphics made from the colored dots, remind you to the castles of sand on the beach - partly washed by water. As it appears to many of us, entering the exhibition, reminds to the childhood - the children's town or simply to the children's play."

Girl_1, comment:
"I'm simply impressed. Its wonderfull!. I never saw a beauty of this kind."

Girl_2, comment:
"I do not consider this as art!"

Man, comment:
"I can see that it is not boaring and this is what attracts - this was needed to be proved."

Olga, commentator:
"Banal! But, taste may differ.
The result of 7 years work of the Dutch avantgardist Marc Marc does not leave anyone untouched. Some consider it to be genius. Others, in their hurry, simple trample his 'invention of sand'. One also can say that walking on the sand is pleasant and even healthy too."

Olga, kommentatrisse:
"Het gebrek aan tijd is vandaag de dag een algemeen probleem. Zoals vaak in de allerdaagse routine slaan we geen acht meer op de mirakelen die het leven ons te bieden heeft.

De kunstenaar-avantgardist, uit Holland en luisterend naar de wonderbaarlijke naam Marc Marc, loste dit probleem simpel op. En zoals zo vaak kan eenvoud briljant zijn!

Hij arrangeerde zijn expositie op de vloer - in een vorm van een rechthoek - samengesteld uit zijn computergrafiek en hoewel dit al genoeg zou zijn om de aandacht van het publiek te trekken omgaf hij het ook nog met een bed van zand."

Marc Marc, kommentaar:
"Wanneer het publiek door de zaal trekt merkt het gewoonlijk het zand niet op. Vaak merkt het de grafiek niet eens op. Het gaat gewoon dwars door het zandbed en pas dan - plotseling - merkt het dat er iets op de vloer ligt."

Olga, kommentatrisse:
"Op het eerste gezicht herinnert de grafiek - bestaande uit kleurpuntjes, je aan de zandkastelen op het strand - gedeeltelijk weggewassen door het water. Voor velen van ons is het betreden van de expositie een herinnering aan de kindertijd - 'de kinderstad' of aan het kinderspel op zich."

Meisje_1, kommentaar:
"Ik ben eenvoudigweg geimponeerd. Het is prachtig! Nog nooit zag ik schoonheid op deze wijze."

Meisje_2, kommentaar:
"Ik beschouw dit niet als kunst!"

Man, kommentaar:
"Ik kan zien dat het niet verveeld en dt is wat trekt. Dit moest bewezen worden."

Olga, kommentatrisse:
"Banaal! maar, smaken verschillen.
Her resultaat van 7 jaar werk van de Nederlandse kunstenaar en avantgardist Marc Marc laat in ieder geval niemand onberoerd. Sommigen beschouwen het als briljant. Anderen, in hun haast, vertrappen eenvoudigweg zijn 'uitvinding van zand'. Men kan ook zeggen dat het lopen over zand plezierig is en ook gezond."

Short cut diary

Arrival in Moscow.

Speak to the director about the wanted exhibition.
However he agrees there is no free space which is large enough for what I want (as was expected). Only exhibiting some graphics is possible. I do not want this and agree on a 'let's think about it once more'.

If it can not be done at the walls
then, why not put it on the floor?
Just on the floor and the framing with sand!

Speaking to the director about the 'floor' concept.
He thinks I'm an idiot but, if the 'art-critic' agrees I get his blessing. The art-critic (the main curator) wants a big exhibition with my graphics enlarged to a Hugh size. Nice but, that's not what is possible right now. My idea to put them on the floor he considers as nonsense but if the director agrees he does not object. At least, if I can find the permission from one of the exhibiting artists to give me this floor space.

After many telephone calls it seems to be that it is impossible to buy clean and fine sand in Moscow. Some hunderds of meters from my place of staying there is a building space where they have sand laying on the street - for free to get when no police is passing by accident. At night time the sand is put all over in the house to get dry.

Until deep at night busy to clean and filter the sand - silly job.

Compiling the graphics on the floor. At 17:00 The exhibition is a fact and the vernissage starts. Television camera team comes to shoot an item and take an interview.
In the evening and the next day they broadcast it several times.

A hell lot of people are visiting the 'installation of graphics'. As it turns out many people were attracted by the television item.
Happily enough breaking down at the end of the day because keeping restoring the bed of sand constantly was a lot of work.

Removal of the 'Art Moderne' computer terminal which has worked fine for a whole year in The Central House of Artist.

Say goodbye party and going to the TV studio to get a copy of the broadcasted item.

Flying back to Amsterdam :-(-:
Sympateetsnaya samolotka.