Graphic Arts
Moscow, 2005 Feb
- 'Burda Publishing House
Auto-Composing Graphics & Paintings.
Moscow, 2000 Jan
- 'Central House of Artists' - 22.12.1999 till 11.01.2000 in hall nr 9
Auto-Composing - an overview.
Moscow, 1999 Jan
- 'Gallery Triumph'
Auto-Composing computer graphics exhibited.
Moscow, 1998 Jan
- 'Central House of Artists'
Auto-Composing computer graphics exhibited.
Moscow, 1997 Jan
- 'Central House of Artists'
1 year exhibited Graphical Auto-Composing computer terminal.
Moscow, 1996 Jan
- 'Central House of Artists '
Presentation of enlarge Auto-Composed computer graphic.
Moscow, 1995 Jan
- 'Central House of Artists'
Adapted into the museum art collection (enlarge Auto-Composed computer graphic).
Hamburg H.M. Stubnitz 1994 Sep
- Media ship:Art Moderne presentation on one computer.
Moscow 1994 March
- 'Art Panorama' magazine: Publication of 3 computer graphics.
'Meden' 1994 Mar
- Amsterdam: Exhibition of old works, computer graphics and secret computer
installation (Marc Marc and Benten).
HEU 1993 August
- Flevoploder: 'Hacking at the End of the Universe, hackers congress:
Art Moderne installation with 3 computers.
The Absolute Threshold 1993 Aug
- Amsterdam (Niewe Meer), Machine party: Art Moderne installation with 3
Bijster, 1992 December
- 'Amsterdam: Bijster X-mas stand': Marc Marc and Benten, street performance
on one computer.
Paradiso, Amsterdam 1992 Dec
- 'The Virtual Department', Art Moderne computer installation and presentation
on Video Beam. Lees concept tekst
Amsterdam 1992 Oct
- Member of group exhibition in gallery 'En Masse': Auto Composed computer
Vienna 1992 July
- Media festival: Marc Marc - his clone.
Details unknown.
Moscow/Ohio 1992 May
- Adapted into the Kolodzei avantgarde Art collection.
Chaos Revisited, 1992
- Study of Chaos programming and transformation to custom software to explore
a more individual interpretation of Chaos created pictures.
Moscow, 1992 Apr
- 'Central House of Artists'
Exhibition, Marc Marc and Benten:'Wall of graphics': printed graphics
and computer installation.
FOTO magazine 1992 Feb
- Dutch photo magazine, 6 page article about Marc Marc and Benten:
their computer Art.
Canon Image Centre 1991 Sept
- Amsterdam: Art Moderne installation with 9 computers and exhibition
of printed Auto-Composed graphics.
BRD tv DW 1991 March
- 'Focus on Europe', TV broadcasting including Marc Marc in his
Auto-Composing studio.
Atari ST Nieuws, 1991 July
- 'Art on the Atari ST', Cover item in the Dutch magazine 'Atari ST News',
About Marc Marc and Benten - their computer Art.
Moscow, 1990 Dec
- 'Central House of Artists' Auto-Composing: presentation on 3 computers.
Exhibition of 120 printed computer graphics made by the Auto-Composer.
Exhibition of 21 Moscow made paintings (made during 4 trips in 1990).