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Betje Muiket (NL) 3D enamel works Stop the motors Open Harbour Museum / Photo exhibtion till 24 mar 2002 Lips are dangerous - Luc van de Hoeven (NL) Paintings & Action in Moscow The Supreme Penalty of Tchikatilo (RU) Theater Gallery "Triumf" (RU) 200 Years Puskin (NL) Poetry boot trip in Holland Alexander Bandzeladze The patriarch of Georgian abstraction Benten (NL) Computer Graphics Evelyn Jansen (NL) paintings and Graphics Lena Basova (RUS) Fashion Design The Flying Dutchman (NL) Expo Aviodome 1999 Janus Nuiten (NL) Paintings - Landscape structures> Yulia Krup (RUS) Paintings --> Marc Marc (PT) Multi Disciplinary Sergey Maloutin (RUS) Paintings Michael Stereoff (RUS) Paintings (impressionistic nudes) Kees Pé (NL) Paintings and graphics> Delta-S (NL) Synergizing arts and sciences
For response see This page and all contents: (C)2000 by Marc Marc Amsterdam |
Art Kunst Schilderkunst, Malerei, paintings, Painting, Paint, Artist, Artists, Dutch Art, Arts, Holland Nederland, The Netherlands, Schilderijen, Grafiek graphics Grafical arts, schilderkunst beeldhouwkunst, sculptor sculpture sculpturing, beaux arts, peinture, peintre gallery galerie, galerei, exhibition expo austellung, platform, Janus Nuiten, Evelyn Jansen, Marc Marc, MarcMarc, Sergey Maloutin, Serge Maloutin, Sergey Malyutin, Yulia Krup, Julia Krupenia, Yulia Krupenya, Kees Pe |