More goggles
The Brain Wave Laboratory
Marc Marc Amsterdam
When you like to join a Brain Machine session together with one or with more people, or like to present a session for audience on festivals and clubs, you need another interface than standard. An interface which is capable to drive these extra sets of goggles and headphones.
BWL X2: 2 Tricolor goggles
The BWL X2 provides you an interface with an extra set of goggles attached to it. The headphones output of your PC soundcard, you can expand by using a splitter plug (which you can buy at your local store). You will have to tune up volume to have both headphones loud enough.
BWL X3: 3 Tricolor goggles
The BWL X3 provides you an interface with 3 sets of goggles.
The expansion of the headphones upto 3 with most sound cards does not provide enough power. You have to decide on using a HiFi amplifier with two splitters to create enough power for the headphones or choose for the BWL X3h model which has a headphone expander and outputs included. The 3 sets of goggles can be plugged in to the interface with mini jack plugs.
BWL X3h: 3 Tricolor goggles with headphones amps
This model also has a heaphone expander included. You can connect the 3 headphones to the interface and they will be loud enough because a stereo power amp is included to this interface.
Price List
Prices are in Euro's - excluding VAT & postage outside EU countries
- BWL X2 339,- 2 sets of goggles - fixed connection.
- BWL X3 496,- 3 sets of goggles - connected with plugs.
- BWL X3h 844,- 3 sets of goggles - connected with plugs, plus extra headphones amps and outputs. With power supplies externally attached.
- BWL X4h 1042,- idem as above for 4.
- BWL X5h 1240- idem as above for 5.
- BWL X6h 1438,- idem as above for 6.
- BWL X7h 1636,- idem as above for 7.
- BWL X8h 2134,- for 7+1 sets, 19 inch 3HE box / 1 division box.
- BWL X15h 3861,- for 14+1 sets, 19 inch 4HE box / 2 division boxes / controls over max brightness, This version is a typical model used by institutes. Read more about this
- BWL X22h 5891,- for 21+1 sets, 19 inch 4HE box / 3 division boxes / controls over max brightness, a Thinkman injector and audio mixer. This version is a typical model used at great festivals and institutes. Read more about this
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