Brain Machine Expander BWL X22h
For institutes and festivals
Marc Marc Amsterdam
Why? - Functional Description - Specifications - Block diagram
19 Inch rack 3HE high expander
A Brain machine session for a group of people simultaneous is very popular at music festivals. This can function as a CHILL OUT for the audience or, in opposite, to sweep them up. Also in a night club and discotheque this is popular. The BWL X22h is a typical model to be used at a promotional stand on a music festival where a large audience is available and they can join a session in a group of 14 people - laying relaxed in a chair for some minutes (5 to 15 minutes). Also on Computer fairs this has proven its success because many like to do something special besides watching all that boring computer stuff. The BWL X22h can be used together with the BWL software and a PC or can be interfaced to any other Brain Machine.
The Brain Wave Laboratory had many successes in Holland on Computers fairs, Disco's and alternative health institutes with expanders up to 50 people. Recently, as Brain Machine became popular for a large audience, The BWL expanders of Marc Marc Amsterdam nowadays find their way again to festivals, clubs, alternative health care centers and Disco's. And not at last because we also though about the entertainment value of a session with groups. We like to advise you not only on the technical data for the best suitable interface but also on how to present it successfully to the audience.
Besides the existing sessions - from which some of them do have a great festival entertainment quality - we can create any session based on your ideas.
The Brain Wave Lab configuration with a PC involved give you a very high standard and entertaining Brain Machine which goes beyond the possibilities of its competitors. And, when we consider the costs, it also is very competitive.
Functional Description:
This description will handle about the BWL X22 module but, also - in its essence - is valid for any BWL expander.
Realize that the BWL expanders not only can interface with the BWL computer software but also can be designed to expand any Brain Machine you would like to use. We simple adapt to your interface application (brain machine) and type of goggles.
On stage, there is a 'mother' application available. This either is the BWL software (which is for free) and PC computer or any other brain machine. This 'Mother' connects to the BWL X22 interface to expand to 21 users (plus a master controller when required). All users have their own set of goggles and headphones. A session starts and the audience is experiencing for a certain amount of time (5 to 15 minutes) an entertaining Brain Machine Session.
The BWL X22 Interface gives you the opportunity to interface both audio and LED signals to be expanded to 21+1 user. The LED controlling signals can be interfaced digitally or analog - depending on your requirements or interfacing with your requested brain machine. As a great extra, the BWL X22 also has a so called 'Thinkman' module included. With the Thinkman you can convert any music to a Brain Machine session and/or mix it with the original Brain Machine source. Also, an extra sound input lets you mix auxilary sounds to the total mix.
The editor/operator has its own set possibly to be connected to the interface and the 21 users (or less) are connected to the brain machine through the so called division boxes. The BWL X22 has 6 connections for both goggles and headphones to 3 division boxes which can be laid out on location. Each box is connected with two XLR cable to the interface (LED and Phones). The cable are 12 Mtr long and thus may cover a wide setup on stage (they can be delivered at any length).
- Data input 25d parallel (BWL oriented pin layout) for computer control of Red and Green LED's.
- Analog input Stereo Jack input 6,3mm for analog Voltage control of Red and Green LED's.
- Thinkman input Stereo input jack 6,3mm. Converts any stereo audio signal into Red (left inp) and Green (right inp) LED control. Includes a input balance control and SENS (input sensitivity) control, a stereo/mono and a digital/analog selection switch.
- Max Brightness Both Red and Green have Maximum Brightness Controls for the Data/Analog and the Thinkman input.
- Monitor LED's For both the Data/Analog and the Thinkman a Tricolor LED indicates the Red and Green control.
- 3 Audio inputs With stereo input jack 6,3mm, and MIX control. In the BWL setup the COM is connected to the audio output of the PC sound card, The MIDI could be connected to an extra MIDI device and the AUX can be connected to any sound source. The AUX also connects internally to the Thinkman input to have the audio converted to Red & Green LED control signals too.
- Goggles and Headphones For both the Goggles and the Headphones are 3 XLR outputs to connect with the division boxes.
- Division Boxes 3 division boxes with each 7 goggles and headphones connections. Jack 6,3 connections and XLR to connect to the interface. Includes 6 XLR cables of 12 Mtr length.
- Monitor for Goggles and Headphones On the interface panel are connections to connect 1 set of goggles and headphones for monitoring the session by the operator.
- Goggles 22 sets of Tricolor model goggles. 3,5 Mtr connection wire and jack 6,3mm plug. Connects to the division boxes
- Power supply The interface includes the internal Power supply to feed both the LED drivers and Headphones for 22 sets (International 100...240V 50/60Hz with EURO connection)
- Price
- BWL X22h complete: Euro 5891,- excluding headphones, VAT, delivery.
- BWL X22h plain interface expander : Euro 2981,- excluding VAT and delivery.
(Thus, this is without the goggles, division boxes and cables).
- Set of goggles when ordered with the interface: Euro 78,-
It is always good to order some spare sets. Prices mentioned are based on a certain standard - any custom adaptation may change the final package price.
All these specifications can be changed based on your requirements.
Block diagram
Below you see a simplified block diagram, showing you how the BWL X22h is build up from a functional point of view.
Also see the BWL 15h expander -
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