Marc Marc Amsterdam
M2 Cross Generator Pre-Design

12f3vco_c: The 12-unit pre-design.

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Modules (very brief features list):

All modules have extraordinary specifications & extra's you will not find on existing designs.

  • 3x VCO: Coarse, Fine. Octave, FM LIN & LOG (V/OCT), 4x Sync, PW, PWM, Waveform Balancers, Output Amplitude, Wave form and input selection switches, separated wave form outputs.
  • 2x VCF: LP, BP, HP Balancers, F, FM, Q, QM Pots & input selection switches, separated filter outputs, overdrive led.
  • 2x VCA Type I: Multiplying, LIN, LOG, SHIFT and input Pots - input selection switches, overdrive led.
  • 2x VCA Type II: Multiplying, LIN, LOG Switch and input Pot - input selection switch, overdrive led.
  • 1x VCA Type III: LIN & LOG Input.
  • 2x MVCO: Freq, FM, Wave form pots - Freq range switch.
  • 1x Balancer for extra output to balance between between the 2 MVCO's.
  • 1x D-Func: 2 inputs, output switch to select 12 different logical ratio's between the two inputs.
  • 2x ADSR envelope generator, input and function switches.
  • 2x VC-Delay & Hold module, input and function switches.
  • 2x manual trigger/gate micro switches.
  • 2x Voltage Processor with 3 inputs & pots.
  • 2x Gain Amps (0...60 dB) with rectifying function switch, overdrive led.
  • 2x Envelope follower with separated attach and Release pots, response led.
  • 2x adjustable Trigger extractor modules,response led.
  • 1x Noise Generator: White, Pink and Random outputs.
  • 1x LP with Slope control, LIN & LOG outputs and function switch, response led.
  • 1x S&H: CK generator with Rate pot, range switch, 2 inputs with pots and selection switches, overdrive & rate led .
  • 1x 8-step Sequencer/touch preset unit: CK generator with frequency pot and range switch, A/off/B Gate selection switches, Step select switch, synchronized external Reset & Hold, UP/DOWN, IN/OUT range, touch sensitive pad to interfere the sequence manually or to set 8 voltage presets, overdrive and several function leds.
  • 2x shift mixing amp: 2 inputs/pots/switches, shift pot, 2x LP with Slope control (independent module).
  • 2x Quantizer: 12 Quantisize Pattern switch, internal/external clock input switch, internal clock rate control.
  • 1x DIV: Logic Divider (divides a gate/trigger etc signal in factor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).
  • 1x D-function module: 12 function from 2 inputs.
  • 1x VC-Quadrofonic end stage mixer with in two stages (also to be used separately), also 6,3mm Jack outputs.
  • 2x LFO's: Speed control, frequency range switch and on/off control input.

WHen viewing the enlarge picture, all the functions and controls can be studied in detail.

Artists impressions on color:

08e3vco_a.jpg: This pre-design also expands to 8 units. It is adding even more modules. It could be considered as a 3 voice system but the core motivation to have most of its module in a triple form is to have one function as a slave unit in a dual voice system.

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08f3vco_a: This 8-unit pre-design has your remarks incorperated.

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08e2vco_a:This pre-design expands to 8 units: adding modules & options and partly increasing the control grid (VCO & VCF) and adding quit some functionality on the patch panel grid..

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06d2vco.jpg: This pre-design is pretty much based on the TD Cross Generator.

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More details about the roots of a device such as the TD Cross Generator,
you can find at the Sonic Laboratory

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This page and all contents: (C)2007 by Marc Marc Amsterdam