Марк Марк / Marc Marc
Exhibition februari 2005 at 'Burda' Publishing House, Moscow. By the 'Fabric Gallery'

Auto generated Computer graphics & Paintings.

Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
One sight of the Burda exhibition space.
Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
A conversation with the big Burda man.
Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
Journalist, Director, Priest, Marc, Director.
Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
Some nice company
Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
Talking with Burda and German ambassy.
Marc Marc Moscow - MarcMarc MD Artist - exhibition in Burda Publishing head office
'Russian Anton Heyboer' with his girls.





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(C) 2005, Marc Marc.
Not any content of this page may be copied or published
without written permission from Marc Marc