International Federation of Artists
What is the IFA?
The International Federation of Artists is an organization which is founded to serve artists and art organizations. The mother organization is based in Moscow (Russia). Since the early nineties daughter organizations has been founded in Europe. They function as independent organizations with their own policy, based on the situation in the country. They are related to the mother organization and all daughters by name (and fame) and by the activities they initiate.
IFA Amsterdam
A Dutch IFA daughter (IFA Amsterdam) exists since 1996.
What can the IFA Amsterdam do for its members?
Members (cardholders) of the Dutch IFA will get access to a network of IFA organizations
which can help to organize public events (performances, exhibitions and publications etc.) in
all the countries with related IFA organizations. For cardholders also important information
will be available on various subjects concerning their work. The IFA also can act as a
mediator between organizations to promote the artists work or do deal with conflicts which affect the artist.
If you are interested to become a cardholder as an artist or want to become a donor or
sponsor, then send an Email to Marc Marc.
Marc Marc
Director of the IFA Amsterdam