M u l t i  D i s c i p l i n a r y  A r t i s t



Generative Bio-data based plant art: 2022/2023
A collection of generative graphics based on bio-data from plants.
Read more about the plant data.
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Do plants have feelings?

Graphics by plants



2023-01-xx Fifth generation of graphics on a 480x320 TFT screen - projected on a large screen

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?


2022-12-xx Fourth generation of graphics on a 480x320 TFT screen - projected on a large screen

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?


2022-10-23 Third generation of graphics on a 480x320 TFT screen

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?


2022-09-05 Second generation of graphics on a 320x240 TFT screen

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?


2022-09-04 First generation of graphics on a 320x240 TFT screen

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?

Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?
Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings? Do plants have feelings?


Part of the Laurénce (BDSM: Bio Dynamic Signal Modeler) Project by Christiaan Zwanikken

Graphic algorithms and Graphics By Marc Marc


(C) 2022, Marc Marc Amsterdam
Not any content of this page may be copied or published
without written permission from Marc Marc