M u l t i  D i s c i p l i n a r y  A r t i s t


Marc Marc - MarcMarc MD artist - Go to Short Biography

This site brings you to: Computer arts - Generative art (Auto Composing),
Electronic arts (Custom Electronics), Sonic arts
(Sound Moving Installations), The Moscow arts,
Various arts plus Hardware and Software arts
(How to control all these projects).

____________Bio-data based graphics - Living art Main Page

Bio data based graphics - Generative art

_________________________Art Moderne Main Page

Auto Composing Graphics Projects - Generative art

________________Custom Electronic Devices Main Page

The most beautiful handmade devices designed and build by Marc Marc collected

__________The Brain Wave Laboratory Main Page

Everything about the ultimate Brain Machine designed by Marc Marc

_____________The Sound Mover Main Page

Everything about the Sound Moving projects and the technique - designed by Marc Marc

_______Art into HyperSpace Main Page

Other Galleries / Webdesign by Marc Marc


Software Arts.

Sonic Arts.

Electronic Arts.

Enter the gallery with paintings.

Short Biography.


______________________ Moscow Exhibition

_____________________ The Moscow projects Main Page

Most went West - I went East

______________________The (Re)formatter

___________________ Lips are dangerous

_______Stories / Verhalen Main Page

Moscow, Boot, Reisleider, Gids, Inburgering: In Dutch, English and Russian - by Marc Marc





  Marc Marc Amsterdam
The Netherlands.

For response, send e-mail to marcmarc@xs4all.nl

or dial +31 20 625 98 47

This page and all contents: (C)1996...2025 by Marc Marc Amsterdam

Moscow index . Moscow 1990 . Moscow 1992 . Moscow 1994 . Moscow 1994 . Moscow 1994 . Moscow 1995 . Moscow 1997 . Moscow 1997 . Moscow 1998 . Moscow 1999 . Moscow 2000 . Moscow 2001 . Moscow 2005 . Art Moderne index . Acn Art 1991 . Canon 1991 . Foto 1992 . Paradiso 1992 . Meden 1993 . Absolute Threshold 1994 . Stubnitz 1994 . Graphics gallery colour . Graphics gallery BW . Chaos . The Brain Wave Laboratory index . luxure set . prices . software . dutch text . article . download . The Thinkman . Manual . Expansion . Expander 15 . Expander 22 . Sonic arts index . Soniclab . Secret water . The Art of measurement . Washing . Voyelles mobile I . Voyelles mobile II . Voyelles mobile III . The Zone I . The Zone II . Wather creatures . The (Re)formatter . About Electronic arts . Sound mover . Sound mover main power robot . Sound mover interface . Sound mover digital interface . Sound mover midi interface . Sound mover amplifiers . Sound mover filter units . Sound mover DC gates . Pyrotech index . Pyrotech hardware . Pyrotech software . Custom electroncs index . fff generator . Small effects . Montador dos . Custum complex delay . Dynamic Noise Limiter . Signal rigger . 4 VCA . Video sound recording processor . TD Cross Generator . Natural M2 Vocoder . Elves I . Elves II . inflatie NL . RGB monitor test . Gallery of painting . Monotypes . Events enter . Events by cat . Eventsby date . Biography . IFA . Moscow Stories NL . Moscow Stories RU . Amsterdam grachten varen . Toerisme - Amsterdam grachtentocht met Marokkanen . Toerisme - Zeeland tocht met Marokkanen . Toerisme - Amsterdam Molen van Sloten - Wiekendraaien . Toerisme - Amsterdam Energetica Energiemuseum . Toerisme - Amsterdam Molen van Sloten . Marokkanen WO II . Graphics by plants .